It is fair to say that 2020 was not a year we want to remember. It probably did not start off how a lot of us expected and some of us today in 2021 still may feel the effects of the COVID-19 virus. During these times it is a normal human response to feel anxious, worried or stressed. Just know that there are ways that can help you cope with the uncertainty of what is happening around us. Practicing daily grounding techniques is a great place to start.

Grounding is a particular type of coping strategy that is designed to "ground" you in, or immediately connect you with, the present moment. Grounding is a practice that can help you pull away from flashbacks, unwanted memories, and negative or challenging emotions.
Grounding techniques help create space from distressing feelings in nearly any situation. These techniques may help distract you from what you’re experiencing and refocus on what is actually happening in the present moment.

There is a great grounding technique called the “5-4-3-2-1 method” that can help ease a busy or racing mind. This grounding technique works to quiet the mind and easy distressing thoughts and is great for those who are feeling anxious or worried.
5-4-3-2-1 METHOD
Working backward from 5, use your senses to list things you notice around you.
5 things you can see around you
4 things you can touch
3 things you can hear
2 things you can smell
1 thing you can taste
This technique should help you feel calmer and more at ease by the end of the exercise. Repeat the 5 steps more than once if needed.

During this tough time, it is important that we remain connected and check in on each other regularly. If you or someone you know needs help now, call Lifeline on 13 11 14. If someone is in immediate danger, call Triple Zero (000). If you are having suicidal thoughts, or are worried about someone you know, there is help available.
Written by Emilee Nutritionist (BHSc Nut Med)